Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day

So a year ago this time we got engaged! I can't believe it has already been a year. It seem so long ago and, at the same time, like it was yesterday. We decided to do something similar to what we did last year so we made a reservation at Chef's table, a super fancy restaurant that just happens to be like a block away. While I didn't have any plans to get an outfit, like we did last year, Nathan surprised me an we went shopping. He bought me a really nice trenchcoat and a cute outfit to wear. Here are the pictures:

We didn't do much of anything else that night, but the next night we got dressed up again and went to the Cinderella ballet that BYU was putting on. Nathan didn't really want to go in the first place, but he is a sweetheart and decided that he wanted to do something artsy fartsy for me. I expected better from BYU, but I guess when the dancers are full-time ballerinas I can't expect too much. It was kind of fun. The stepsisters were the best part, they were full of humorous movements, for lack of a better way to describe it. I think you just had to see it.

The weather has been warming up a bit so we've been going out for runs and walks. Here are some pictures of us having fun at the Provo River trail.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My first book

Hopefully this time it will work...

So it has been forever since I last posted. Definitely a lot as been going on. However, I won't bother really with trying to catch upon the past. Now that I am out of school, I might have more time to blog since no one wants to give me an internship. So here is what has been happening in our lives:Mika is the same as always: energetic and loving. It has been hard for her to stay cooped up inside while we have been wimps and wanted to stay inside where it is warm. She, I believe, could care less about what it was doing outside, as long as she is running around. Lately, when we've taken her to the park she whines and whimpers as we pull into the parking lot because she is SO excited. I feel bad that I don't take her out more, but when it snows 1/2" overnight (though it has mostly melted already) it doesn't make me feel like tromping around outside.
Mika likes to cuddle

Nathan is still working hard at school. "School for life," he says. He has also been working on an iPhone program, a game, and is enjoying doing that. He tries to spend a couple of hours each week on it. He asked me if I wanted to help do any artwork for it, but I have no skills in that sort of thing, so he talked to an old friend in Livermore who said he is excited to work with Nathan on it. Nathan wants to make a million dollars off of the game, but if it sells at all we'll be ecstatic (not that it will be bad, Nathan never does anything halfway, but who knows what the market will be like).
A silly picture of our family

As for me, well, as I said I am out of school, well mostly I guess. I'm still taking one class, Bookbinding, for fun. I am enjoying it so far, although it is very frustrating as the first book I made (pictures below) I messed up on just about every step. A lot of the other kids in the class are art majors and it is a little off-putting sometimes. If I like it enough, however, it could turn into a fairly lucrative career.
We also got a new addition to our family! We recently did a full-scale cleaning on the house and discovered there was a need of greenery. We've been meaning to get an orchid for a while, but when we went to the nursery we decided on a beautiful blue hydrangea plant instead. It reminded us of our wedding and our engagement anniversary is just a few days away. I think I'm already killing it as the petals are wilting. They told us it likes a lot of water and I thought I had been watering it enough, but I just added a ton more and we'll see if it perks up. At least that is what the clerk said it would do. It is just nice to have a little plant life around.

A new haircut!