Tuesday, May 25, 2010

All the small things

So, yes, I did return to Salt Lake for the weekend, where I attended my friend Becca's wedding, which was loverly. We also celebrated my Mom's birthday and it was lots of fun to see all my siblings again. It probably hasn't been too long since I saw them, but when I'm used to seeing them about once a week, it seems like a long time.

I took a bouquet of silk flowers that I made for Leah to hold, as my flower girl, and she didn't put them down the whole time she was there. It was really cute, and I just hope she can keep it in somewhat working order so I don't have to find something else for her to use. Cameron was cute as always, and I can't wait until he really starts talking, because I think that kid will have some really interesting thoughts. We like to call him the barbarian. If we left him out in the jungle by himself he would probably become the king of the jungle within the week. Sophia was as cute as can be and she now has four front teeth with which to bite. She was eating a piece of bread and making 'num' sounds for me.

The day after I got home, that is, yesterday, the iMac came. So yes, I am posting this while sitting in front of the 27 inch magnitude. We watched Avatar on it last night and it was almost as good as the 3-d.... okay, maybe not, but it was awesome. I also found out yesterday that I got the job at Jo-Ann's! This couldn't come at a better time because I was about to give up looking for a job. I'm pretty sure it'll be great to work there since I already like the manager and, well, I don't think that many sketchy people work or shop at craft stores. I'm headed there in a couple of hours to start training. I'm glad to finally have something to do during the days.

The title of this post comes from the fact that I felt really grateful for the small blessings, well, and the big ones too, that have been in my life recently. Nathan, for one. Having prayers answered in finding a job. Being able to enjoy the temple and feel God's love for me. Marrying into such a great family that has supported me and taken me in as one of their own. Being out of Utah for the four inches of snow that fell yesterday.... And of course, all the other things that I have to be grateful for in my life, like family and friends.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Farmers Market et. al.

Umm umm umm, so it's my turn to write on the blog. I guess I'm not really sure how people do this. Because I'm not really sure what's so interesting about my life that people will care. Luckily it's a blog so if you don't want to read you don't have to.

Today Kelcy and I went to the Farmer's Market in Livermore. We did rather enjoy ourselves. Livermore has a pretty cool market for a town of its size. We got some vegan bread/spread, some cherries, and the most ginormous cinnamon roll in the history of ginormous. Seriously this thing was like the size of your head. Times two. And Kelcy ate the whole thing in one bite. No joke. So be careful with your head when she's around.

Unfortunately however Kelcy has decided she doesn't like me any more and is going back to Utah for the weekend. (Ok maybe she's really going to hang out with her friend from the time she was like 5 years who may or may not be getting married this weekend.) So I'm going to have to figure out some way to entertain myself. I was thinking about learning the trapeze. We shall see.

And for all those people out there that judge others based on the size of their computers I would just like to mention that Kelcy and I are getting a new computer. A big one. Like the size of the cinnamon roll big. Any guesses which one???? (Actually my dad really did guess when I told him. Guess he knows me and my technology tastes a bit too well....) Ok since you probably aren't as intimately acquanted with my computer love affairs as my dad, I'll tell you. We're getting this one:


27 inch version. (Seriously, the cinnamon roll was that big.) I tell myself that we're getting it because Kelcy's old computer was breaking down, it wasn't charging anymore, and it's like 16 years old anyways. Also we can use this one as a TV. But to be honest I wanted it because it's pretty. (Like Kelcy, but not quite as pretty. Ok not anywhere close to as pretty, but pretty nonetheless.)

And yeah that's about the extent of the intrigue in my life at the moment. Oh yeah, I'm getting married in three weeks. To a pretty awesome girl in fact. Ok that's it. K thx bye.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Days of California

Hey all! I decided, and Nathan agreed to go along with it, that we should start a blog. I mean, it's what every cool couple does, right? So here we are. Hopefully this blog will get more attention than I have paid to my other blog, a.k.a. little to none, because Nathan will bug me about it. Ah, the perks of having a significant other.

Today, on our second week in California, we decided to go to Big Basin State Park, home of the redwoods. I've never been to California before, so Nathan has been trying to show me around a bit. The trees were magnificent and stunning. It was kind of hot there, so we didn't do much hiking, and we had also left too late in the day to really get into any long hikes, but we walked around the granny trails for a while and enjoyed ourselves.
Then Nathan and I drove down to Santa Cruz where they have a large wharf/boardwalk that extends into the ocean. It was a beautiful beach and we walked all the way down to the end of the walk where you can see the sea lions hanging out on the planks below the boardwalk. I first saw one off the side of the boardwalk and it was just floating on its side and not really moving. I thought it was dead for a while, but we came back later and it wasn't there any more, so I guess it was still alive. We then headed into a small restaurant on the wharf and had some traditional seafood for dinner. It was nice to see the ocean right out the window while we were dining. Nathan mentioned that he felt like a true Californian.

We lazily made our way home and then Nathan showed me his "secret park" which isn't really secret, just off the beaten path. We were fairly tired by then, so we came home and here we are, sitting on the couch. Too much adventure for one day!