Thursday, May 20, 2010

Farmers Market et. al.

Umm umm umm, so it's my turn to write on the blog. I guess I'm not really sure how people do this. Because I'm not really sure what's so interesting about my life that people will care. Luckily it's a blog so if you don't want to read you don't have to.

Today Kelcy and I went to the Farmer's Market in Livermore. We did rather enjoy ourselves. Livermore has a pretty cool market for a town of its size. We got some vegan bread/spread, some cherries, and the most ginormous cinnamon roll in the history of ginormous. Seriously this thing was like the size of your head. Times two. And Kelcy ate the whole thing in one bite. No joke. So be careful with your head when she's around.

Unfortunately however Kelcy has decided she doesn't like me any more and is going back to Utah for the weekend. (Ok maybe she's really going to hang out with her friend from the time she was like 5 years who may or may not be getting married this weekend.) So I'm going to have to figure out some way to entertain myself. I was thinking about learning the trapeze. We shall see.

And for all those people out there that judge others based on the size of their computers I would just like to mention that Kelcy and I are getting a new computer. A big one. Like the size of the cinnamon roll big. Any guesses which one???? (Actually my dad really did guess when I told him. Guess he knows me and my technology tastes a bit too well....) Ok since you probably aren't as intimately acquanted with my computer love affairs as my dad, I'll tell you. We're getting this one:

27 inch version. (Seriously, the cinnamon roll was that big.) I tell myself that we're getting it because Kelcy's old computer was breaking down, it wasn't charging anymore, and it's like 16 years old anyways. Also we can use this one as a TV. But to be honest I wanted it because it's pretty. (Like Kelcy, but not quite as pretty. Ok not anywhere close to as pretty, but pretty nonetheless.)

And yeah that's about the extent of the intrigue in my life at the moment. Oh yeah, I'm getting married in three weeks. To a pretty awesome girl in fact. Ok that's it. K thx bye.


  1. That has got to be THE most sexy picture of kelcy I have ever seen!! You sure are one lucky guy nate!

  2. Haha, Kelcy, you look like a chipmunk. I love it! Love Izzy
