Monday, June 21, 2010

So umm I'm married and happy

So it has come to my attention that I may or may not have sounded grumpy in my last blog post. Just to clear everything up Nathan is not grumpy. The wedding itself was great. We had friends and family there. And how can you not be happy about having your best friend in your life forever and ever? Kelcy cried a little bit, and if I were a crier I'm sure I would've as well. After waiting for so long I could hardly believe that it was happening.

And I had a blast at the reception as well. So I'm sorry if I came across as grumpy. Having Kelcy in my life has made me like 578 billion times happier than before. And now that we're married and I get to spend even more time with her it's even better. And I love her to death. And because I know people really only care about pictures here is a teaser.

Friday, June 18, 2010

So umm we're married =)

It's been awhile since I've written so I guess I'm up again. And this week I have some news that might actually merit a blog entry; just in case you haven't heard I am totally married. In particular to the cutest girl in the world, aka Kelcy Molyneux Perry. Our photographer hasn't gotten the pictures to us so I can't post any here, but we'll be sure to put them up as soon as we get them. And thereafter plaster them all over facebook. And thereafter mail them out to all our friends. And thereafter deliver them door to door in our neighborhood. Just so that everyone knows that we are married.

The reception was kind of cool. To be honest that was the part of the day that I was probably least looking forward to. Not that I don't like parties. But I don't really like being the center of attention. And I like even less being on display at the center of attention. But it turned out to not be bad at all. It did rain on us. So half an hour before the reception was to start we were scurrying around moving all the tables from the outside to the inside. Kelcy and I, along with our parents, remained outside under the overhang to greet people. Kelcy was clearly the star attraction, but I refrained from making a fool of myself during any of the conversations.

We had a honeymoon after the reception. We just stayed in Salt Lake in a condo owned by my grandparents. This was a mini-honeymoon in precursor to our real honeymoon that we will have August when we are going on a cruise to the Bahamas. But we did a good job of entertaining ourselves. We spent some time in the apartment, but we also spent some time out in the town eating and going to movies.

And now we're back in Livermore. And for the first time in a long time I'm excited about my apartment. Not that our little flat is overly amazing, but having the chance to live in an apartment with Kelcy and develop habits for life is pretty exciting. Some of the habits will be more fun than others, like now for example we're trying to decide how we are going to partition cleaning duties. But I'm pretty excited for it anyways.

Thursday, June 10, 2010



I got bridals taken yesterday, which was quite a hectic day, but I thought I would let you all see a couple of my favorites from the ones she sent me. You'll just have to wait to see me in person... ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Big City

OMG!!!!!!! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED IN A WEEK!!!!!!! In case you weren't aware.....

Nathan and I ventured into the bowels of the big city today. If you don't know, that is San Francisco. We were talking about things to do and Nathan suggested going to the Museum of Modern Art there, which surprised me because I didn't know that Nathan liked that kind of thing. Museums, however, are my favorite. We had a good time there looking at some interesting art pieces. They had a display of photography over the years and it was kind of cool to see actual photographs taken by the likes of Dorthea Lange and Ansel Adams. There were also some famous painters represented like Matisse, Picasso, Mondrian, Pollack, etc. I had fun sharing some of my art knowledge with Nathan and I hope he didn't feel like I talked his ear off.
On our way back to the train, BART, which you take in and out of San Fran so you don't have to deal with parking, Nathan suggested going to Jamba Juice. We looked it up on his phone and, what do you know, there was one on the way to the station. Well, we started in that direction, but couldn't find it and ended up having some wonderful pastries in a little shop. After eating we started walking back toward the train station and like three doors down from the pastry shop was Jamba Juice. I thought it was pretty ironic. Guess it just goes to show how blind you become when you rely too much on electronics to point you in exactly the right direction.
This is us on the streets of San Fran. We couldn't really find a great location for a back drop and our feet were tired so we didn't want to wander around too much.
We found an interesting photo in the museum and had to share it. Hopefully you can read what it says. It is by Hal Fischer and is titled Street Fashion, Basic Gay. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So this is our new apartment. It's kind of a side house on the side of a really nice house in ritzy southern Livermore, i.e. it's really really nice but kind of small. The real reason we got it is because the landlady didn't mind having us do a two month lease. Nor did she charge us an arm and a leg extra. But really we think it's pretty much the perfect house for our first two months of marriage. (Which will start in like a week and a half. Oh my gosh.)

Did I mention it was furnished? That is kind of awesome because we don't want to really buy a whole bunch of furniture then have to transport it back to Provo in August.

The only real downside is the "kitchen." We did however order a book on how to cook with a coffee maker.

Hehehe, Kelcy is hot.

This is our front door. And.....

...this is our front yard.

Anyways that's it. Life is going well. It almost doesn't seem like this whole marriage thing is really going to happen. We've waited plenty long. But it was totally worth it. We just can't wait to jump into married life and get to know each other even better.