Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Big City

OMG!!!!!!! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED IN A WEEK!!!!!!! In case you weren't aware.....

Nathan and I ventured into the bowels of the big city today. If you don't know, that is San Francisco. We were talking about things to do and Nathan suggested going to the Museum of Modern Art there, which surprised me because I didn't know that Nathan liked that kind of thing. Museums, however, are my favorite. We had a good time there looking at some interesting art pieces. They had a display of photography over the years and it was kind of cool to see actual photographs taken by the likes of Dorthea Lange and Ansel Adams. There were also some famous painters represented like Matisse, Picasso, Mondrian, Pollack, etc. I had fun sharing some of my art knowledge with Nathan and I hope he didn't feel like I talked his ear off.
On our way back to the train, BART, which you take in and out of San Fran so you don't have to deal with parking, Nathan suggested going to Jamba Juice. We looked it up on his phone and, what do you know, there was one on the way to the station. Well, we started in that direction, but couldn't find it and ended up having some wonderful pastries in a little shop. After eating we started walking back toward the train station and like three doors down from the pastry shop was Jamba Juice. I thought it was pretty ironic. Guess it just goes to show how blind you become when you rely too much on electronics to point you in exactly the right direction.
This is us on the streets of San Fran. We couldn't really find a great location for a back drop and our feet were tired so we didn't want to wander around too much.
We found an interesting photo in the museum and had to share it. Hopefully you can read what it says. It is by Hal Fischer and is titled Street Fashion, Basic Gay. Enjoy.

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